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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Daylight Savings Time

It's time to "Spring Ahead" on March 8. Don't forget to move your clocks forward one hour!

Retiree Environmental Volunteerism and Civic Engagement Moving Ahead

Karl Pillemer and Linda P. Wagenet are leading a program to better understand and support engagement of older persons in issues of environmental sustainability and conservation. The Cornell Program on Aging and the Environment (CPAE) is based on the idea that the older population can constitute a special resource for environmental action in the form of volunteerism and civic engagement.

Unique opportunities are provided by the intersection of three major social trends: the enormous growth in the older population; the need for opportunities for meaningful involvement on the part of older people (including the Baby Boom generation now reaching retirement); and the critical need for volunteers to play a role in remedying pressing environmental problems.

Pillemer and Wagenet have written a review and “call to action” on this topic, published in the Public Policy and Aging Report. They note that awareness has increased about the rapidly growing older population, which is expected to double worldwide between 2000 and 2025. Environmental organizations, however, have not shown significant interest in maximizing the involvement of older adults, nor have many aging-related associations been involved in promoting environmental volunteerism. Pillemer and Wagenet argue in their article that environmental volunteering may have particular value for older persons beyond the types of volunteer activity more conventionally performed in later life. They conclude that research, practice, and policy should work in concert to facilitate volunteering and civic engagement in environmental issues in the second half of life.

To put some of these ideas into practice, a pilot project was launched in September, 2008 called the Retiree Environmental Stewards Project (RESP). The RESP provided an opportunity for older adults to learn about environmental issues, develop leadership characteristics, participate in a class project and give back to the community. An evaluation research component accompanied the training, which was open to anyone age 60 and above. The Fall 2008 RESP cohort had seventeen participants, and the class has chosen to develop an educational campaign about the proper disposal of unused medications.

Topics addressed in the fall workshops included: human behavior and environment; air pollution and climate change; water and watersheds; conflict and communication; waste and recycling; local environmental policy; storm water management; energy/transportation/alternative energy strategies; land use/agriculture/planning. There was a mix of classroom lectures and field trips. For each session, Dr. Rhoda Meador, Assistant Director of the Bronfenbrenner Life Course Center at Cornell, presented activities to increase the leadership skills of the participants. The RESP will be implemented in the Southern Tier and Capital regions this spring.

On February 3, 2009, CPAE sponsored a day-long symposium on aging and the environment. Featured speakers included Ms Kathy Sykes, the Director of the Aging Initiative for the US Environmental Protection Agency, Dr. Lenard Kaye from the University of Maine, and Dr. Nancy Wells from the Department of Design and Environmental Analysis at Cornell.
For Further Information

Contact Beth Lisk at

Taken from:

CASA 101 Training

Have you ever wanted to make a difference in a child’s life? Well, here is your chance!!
CASA of the Southern Tier, Inc. is offering the CASA 101 Advocate training.
CASA Advocate volunteers are trained members of the community who advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children in Family Court. The CASA volunteer follows a child’s case as it moves through Family Court. The CASA volunteer research the case, learning everything they can about the child’s special situation. The CASA volunteer then makes recommendations to the judge on what’s best for the child’s future. CASA volunteers are dedicated to ensuring children find a safe, permanent and nurturing home as quickly as possible.


Day and time: Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:00AM to 3:00PM

Dates: February 24th, 27th, March 3rd, 6th, 10th and 13
Refreshments provided.

Location: Corning Library, 1st and 2nd Floor Meeting Rooms -signs for room
300 Civic Center Plaza Corning, NY

Application, interview and background checks required. Independent Study also available.

If you want to help children but do not have the time to commit to becoming an Advocate, consider becoming a Board member.
If you are interested in becoming a CASA Advocate or CASA Board membr, please call the office at (607) 936-CASA (2272) or toll free at 1-888-936-CASA for more information and/ or to reserve your seat. Thank you for your support to abused and neglected children in our community.

Amy Miller-Plumley
CASA of the Southern Tier, Inc.
PO Box 778
Corning, NY 14830
phone: 607-936-CASA (2272) or 1-888-936-CASA
Fax: 607-936-3876

Monday, February 23, 2009

Upcoming Blood Drive

The Sullivan Trail Chapter Red Cross will be holding a blood drive from 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on March 9 at BPOE Elks Lodge, 300 North Madison Ave., Watkins Glen.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Scam Alert #2

ALERT: Chimney Scam Targets Seniors in Southern NY

There has been a new scam developing in the southern counties of New York State. The county consumer affairs departments have been plagued by unscrupulous chimney companies. These companies advertise that they will clean your chimney for a very nominal cost, $39.95 or $49.95. When they arrive at your home they will soon inform you that you need a chimney liner which generally costs about $1500.00. Sales pressure tactics are extreme to the point where residents have been told that they are fortunate that no fire has occurred or carbon monoxide fumes have entered the home with grave consequences. For more information call 1-800-771-7755.


For more valuable information, visit the New York State Office for the Aging website at:

Monday, February 9, 2009

Scam Alert

It's that time of year again when crooks will try to gain your trust in order to access private information through an email that looks like it's from the IRS. NEVER EVER give out your private information through email. EVER. Also, never open attachments if you aren't 100% sure you know who sent it. Attachments can contain viruses or spyware.

The following is an example of a common email scam circulating the Internet.

-----Original Message-----
From: Internal Revenue Service []
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 10:21 AM
Subject: [PMX:#] Submit your Economic Stimulus Payment form [ID: SP-251.9475]

After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to receive a Stimulus Payment. Please submit the Stimulus Payment form in order to process it. A Stimulus Payment can be delayed for a variety of reasons. For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline.

To submit your Stimulus Payment form, please download the attached document.

Note: If filing or preparation fees were deducted from your 2007 Refund or you received a refund anticipation loan, you will be receiving a check instead of a direct deposit.

Internal Revenue Service

CLICK HERE for more information on scams related to income taxes and the IRS.

February is American Heart Month and National Cancer Prevention Month

February is American Heart Month. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and is a major cause of disability. In 2009, an estimated 785,000 Americans will have a new coronary attack, and about 470,000 will have a recurrent attack. The risk of coronary heart disease can be reduced by taking steps to prevent and control those adverse factors that put people at greater risk for heart disease and heart attack.

Please visit to learn what you or your loved ones can do to prevent heart disease.


February is American Heart Month. Schuyler Hospital wants you to know that chest discomfort, pain or discomfort in other areas of the upper body, shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort, breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness may all be signs that you’re having a heart attack. Minutes matter – call 911 and get help fast.

February is National Cancer Prevention Month. Schuyler Hospital wants you to know that you can eat and exercise your way to better health. According to the American Cancer Society, you can decrease your risk of cancer by maintaining a healthy weight, adopting a physically active lifestyle, and eating a healthy diet with an emphasis on plant sources.