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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!


Please note that our offices will be closed on Thursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27.

We're thankful for all of our wonderful volunteers who selflessly give time to better our communities.  What are you thankful for this year?  Tell us in the comments!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

CCE Schuyler: Annual Meeting To Feature Director of Arnot Forest

The Annual Meeting of the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Schuyler County Association, scheduled for Thursday, December 10, 7:15-9:15 a.m., will feature Peter Smallidge, State Extension Forester and Director of the Arnot Forest, who will give a presentation on “Arnot Forest: A History of Solving Real-World Problems.”

The Annual Meeting is open to the public and will include a full breakfast, short business meeting with election of members to the Board of Directors, and our featured speaker. Cost is $12 per person. Reservations with payment are required by December 4, 2009. Call 607-535-7161 or email to for information.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Castel Grisch Winery and Restaurant Hosts Holiday Brunch for CASA of the Southern Tier

 The annual Christmas of Hope brunch will be held on December 13, 2009, at Castel Grisch Winery and Restaurant in Watkins Glen, N.Y., from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. All proceeds benefit CASA of the Southern Tier. Tickets are $20 per person, $10 per child, and may be purchased by calling (607) 936-CASA. Table and time reservations must be made in advance. Call (607) 535-9614.

The holiday brunch is one of our most satisfying events, people relax for an hour. They enjoy great food, a bit of wine, and have fun. Our CASA kids and volunteers deal with tough, sometimes life or death, situations on a daily basis. The brunch is a terrific way to support children who are abused and neglected in our tri-county area.

For more information or purchase tickets, call Amy Miller-Plumley at (607) 936-2272 (CASA).

CASA is a nonprofit organization founded on the belief that the health, safety, and spirit of a child should be the primary concern when families are in crisis. To that end, it is dedicated to providing every abused and neglected child in the court system with a consistent and caring advocate - a court appointed special advocate. For more information on CASA, visit

If you'd like to become a CASA volunteer, please call RSVP at 607-535-7105 or email me at

Monday, November 9, 2009

Help Your Neighbors!

Please think about helping your neighbors in these difficult times.  American Red Cross in the Finger Lakes has an urgent need for volunteers.  People are needed to drliver hot meals to shut-ins, and to teach class in First Aid, CPR, babsitting and other health and safety courses.  People also are needed to respond to local fires, floods and other disasters.  All training to become a certified Red Cross instructor or disaster responder is provided free of charge.  Your service can be scheduled to fit your availability.  You can choose to deliver Meals on Wheels daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly.  WE NEED YOU!  Please help.

Also see HERE for other needs.

Call 607-535-7105 for more information.