Please choose all that apply:

Monday, October 25, 2010

Volunteers Needed: CDRC

Become a Mediator and
Volunteer with a National Leader in Conflict Resolution at the
Community Dispute Resolution Center 


*** Employers – Also a great professional development opportunity! *** 

CDRC Presents Professional Mediation Trainings
Session I: October 28, 29, & 30
Session II: November 4, 5, & 6
From 8:30 to 4:30 each day at the Catholic Charities Building, 215 E. Church St., 1st floor conference room, Elmira, NY 14901

“There’s nothing more empowering than the ability to empower others.”

• Build personal and professional skills in communication, reflection, and conflict resolution

• Prepare yourself to volunteer as a CDRC-certified mediator equipped with the tools to help others in conflict to work through their disputes independently

• Experience the intensive, interactive instruction of lead trainer Judy Saul, a national leader in transformative mediation

Session I gives participants the skills and strategies for helping others to communicate effectively and resolve conflicts peacefully and constructively. It serves as a prerequisite for Session II and is open to the public.

Session II focuses on mediating specialized situations and is open to anyone who has successfully completed Session I. The completion of both sessions prepares participants for advancing on course toward full qualification as a CDRC-certified mediator.

• Both sessions are offered at no cost to participants committed to putting their new skills to work as volunteer mediators for CDRC

• Session I, perfect not only for aspiring mediators but also for professionals looking to hone their communication skills, costs $300 as a professional development workshop

• Note that for those seeking to volunteer with CDRC, a brief orientation prior to the workshop is also required, and there are several times to choose from for the orientation

Contact Jen at or 607-535-7105 if you're interested.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS)

Information and Listings

Personal Emergency Response System (PERS), or medical signaling device is an answer to the need for both security and independence. It is a simple way to call for help from a friend, relative, or emergency services (police, fire department, or ambulance). If a user needs help, he/she simply presses a button, which sends a message into an emergency response center.  Information about his/her medical history and names and phone numbers of contact people is quickly available. The emergency response center will talk with the user to determine the reason they were contacted, and will respond appropriately. Companies who sell this product are listed under “Medical Alarms” in the yellow pages of the phone book.

The Federal Trade Commission recommends the following precautions when ordering PERS services:

·         Check out several systems before making a decision.
·         Ask about the pricing, features, and servicing of each system, and compare costs.
·         Make sure that the system is easy to use. Buttons should be easy to operate and batteries easy to change.
·         Ask whether the monitoring center is available 24 hours a day, what kind of training its operators receive, and what the average response time is.
·         Test to be sure that the system works from every point in and around your home. Make sure nothing interferes with transmissions.
·         If unsure of a company's reputation, check with the Better Business Bureau.
·         Read the written agreement carefully before signing it.

The Schuyler County Office for the Aging
does not recommend or endorse any of these PERS providers.

Link to Life                                                                              



Doyle Security Systems HELP LINK                                   
1-866-GO-DOYLE (1-866-463-6953)                                                            


Phillips Life Line                                                                   

Response Link
Valued Relationships, Inc (VRI)                                           

Guardian Alert 911
443-296-2480 (one-time fee, connects to local 911)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Schuyler County Transit Talk

Learn about the schedule, general transit information, the new Dial-a-Ride/Paratransit service available to approved ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Riders in Schuyler County & assistance with Half Fare ID Cards & Dial-a-Ride Applications.


Each Site 11:30am-1:30pm

Wednesday, October 27th: Burdett OFA Meal Site-Methodist Church Rte 79.

Thursday, October 28th Hector OFA Meal Site-Presbyterian Church Rte 414

Wednesday, November 3rd: Montour Falls-Silver Spoon Café

Tuesday, November 9th: Monterey OFA Meal Site – Fire Hall South St.

Tuesday, November 16th: Tyrone OFA Meal Site – Methodist Church Cemetery Hill Rd.

For Information & Schedules Call or Visit:


Monday, October 18, 2010

Bed and Breakfast Hospitality Hour

Join us for a social gathering, sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association and hosted by ‘Bout Time Bed and Breakfast in Montour Falls. The ‘Bout Time Innkeeper will provide a tour and history of the Bed and Breakfast, a light snack and an opportunity for relaxation and reminiscence.

People with dementia in the early to middle stages and a family member or friend are encouraged to attend together, however caregivers can attend alone if a break is needed.

The Bed and Breakfast Social:
• Offers an opportunity to reconnect with others
• Can spark pleasant memories
• Provides an opportunity to spend time in a calm, peaceful, supportive environment
• Promotes a sense of pride in one’s community
• Provides an opportunity for reminiscence for the person with dementia
• Helps to establish a stronger support network

‘Bout Time Bed and Breakfast
277 Steuben St.
Montour Falls, NY 14865

1:30 pm-2:30 pm

Thursday, November 11, 2010

For more information, contact the Alzheimer’s Association at 585.760.5400 or 800.272.3900.

Registration is required and space is limited.

Alzheimer’s Association
435 East Henrietta Road
Rochester, New York 14620
585 760 5400 phone
585 760 5401 facsimile
800 272 3900 24-hour helpline

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Testers Needed

The Alzheimer's Foundation is seeking families caring for loved ones with Alzheimer's or related dementias who would be interested in testing a new locator device at no charge.

Dear Friend,

As you well know, wandering is an enormous concern for individuals with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, and their families-and we are committed to finding solutions to this problem.

We're excited to let you know that the Alzheimer's Foundation of America is teaming up with Breadcrumb, a technology company, with the intent of marketing a new, innovative locator device specifically designed for individuals with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias who may wander. To move this forward, we are currently seeking individuals with Alzheimer's disease and related illnesses, and their family caregivers to participate in a free, 30-day pilot project.

We ask that you help us locate interested participants by spreading the word about this important project. As a thank you, participants will be able to continue to use the locator device for one year at no cost (a value of approximately $600+).

Breadcrumb is a small wristband-type device strapped to the individual, and uses a cellular system to identify the location of a participant who wanders out of doors and to display the person's route and real time location on a map or Smartphone. The device regularly reports the person's location to the Breadcrumb call center around the clock, and pre-identified caregivers are notified via text message and/or phone call when the person leaves a designated geographic field.

We will provide participants with the system and operating instructions, and ask that they use the system for 30 days and fill out pre-, mid- and post-surveys, as well as data for the call center.

Specifically, we are seeking a diverse group of participants: residing at home in urban/rural areas from coast to coast, various ethnic backgrounds, various ages, male/female, various stages of the disease, etc.

Please help us spread the word, and ask your clients who are interested and/or want more information to please contact Christine Valentin, an AFA social worker and project coordinator, at 866.232.8484 or We would appreciate your prompt attention.

Thanks so much,
Carol Steinberg
Executive Vice President
Alzheimer's Foundation of America

Energy Volunteers Needed

Schuyler County Cooperative Extension is looking for 3-4 volunteers to be trained by Cornell University and the EnergySmart Communities Coordinator to conduct basic home energy audits for Schuyler County residents. Volunteers will be part of a pilot program that will encourage homeowners to increase their energy efficiency and introduce all of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority’s financing options. Each volunteer will be expected to attend four half day trainings in Elmira (transportation provided) and conduct 2 home energy audits (locations will be provided). Other than the trainings, this is a very flexible program and can fit into anyone’s schedule. No prior experience necessary. Trainings will be held on October 25, November 1, 8, 15 from 9:00 pm- 1:00 pm. Please let us know by October 20th if you are interested in participating by contacting Jen at 607-535-7105 or